recently, i really feel like att is killing me. sigh. att is killing every1.
but ytd was one of the happiest days of my very short life!!!!
on e way to j8, at e traffic light, i was waiting then this lady in a wheelchair came and the GREEN MAN (greenman greenman greenman buahhahahahahah) ok no link. started to walk. (walk?) ok, so yours truly(a kind , fine young lady) offered most graciously to push her wheelchair. and this lady graciously accepted.:))))))))))
now i can die happy.
back to the story,
so we talked and talked and , well yeah, talked. and she's really nice:)) perphaps i'll c her around :))
at j8, i saw ........
THE EGOs!!!!!!
and well i told them wad happened and they were like"SOOOO PROUD OF YOU." ok anyway, we trained to serangoon and met vanessa there. then after countless of calls and misunderstandings we realized we were waiting for nat at the wrong place. wow. serangoon can be the next dobeee ghaut.( how to spell?). so after we found nat,we went to the actual place we were supposed to go to(i forgot(tink its north east line)) and we found yan ling in the train!!! yupps oh we were playing THE HIDDEN MEANING
vivo is seriously crowded. even on weekdays. wait. hols are not counted rite?
ok wadev,
we went to buy tickets to...............................
(change colour)
while yanling was buying tickets, me, nat and george went to buy lunch-which was actually sushi and yakult. ya we were then told by yanling dat we were sitting at the 4th ROW. NOT 4TH ROW FRM THE BACK, BUT 4TH ROW FROM THE FRONT. so wif 10 more mins fore the movie started, we went minitoons to get some sweets.
went to the theartre to buy popcorn and coke. and POPCORN PLUS NACHOS ARE AWESOME.
after 20 mins of commercials, the movie finally started. quite ok la. but i liked the food betterXD. once i almost fell asleep. but it is quite touching. and george ate most of my sweets. and the sushi was awesome. and 4th roe from the front, is cool.
(change colour)
after movie, went to the LADIES. and we were planning on leaving gordy waiting for us while we stay in the LADIES for 3 hours. hahaaaaahahahahhahahahahahah
ya then we went to the petshop and daiso and then we went nat geog. there was this chamber kind of thing and its freezing. like korea ok? wait. even worst. then the guy was like "15 to 20 mins" hahahahahahahhaha........ gordy and george knock yourselves out frm laughing. gordy was the first to go.
me and george were lyk laughing at him.
next was me. and it was lyk waaad? -11111111 degrees la! (when actually it was onli -15) my hair was like flying evrywhere......whooooo and after a while i jux started screaming, i dunno y ok? but d ppl out there cant hear me of course.
then giogi went in. funny thing was, it was onli when she went in, did ppl started crowding around. HAHA.
me:i felt lyk i was in korea!!!!!!!
gordy: KO (cold) rea, geddit? KO rea.
me(stares at him):wad about SING gapore?
gordy(laughs his stop-it-but-its-funny laugh)
me(continues):or GOR don. u noe blood and GORE??????
the nat geog guy chuckles to himself
giogi:eh, lets go find yanling
so we called them but not available. so giogi went to buy ice latte. its like you order and queue 2 collect ur order and dey nid ur name. and after she orders,
cashier guy: erm, can i hav ur name?
giogi : giogi
cashier guy: how do u spell it?
giogi : G.I.O.G.I
me: dat's not her name!!!! she made dat up!!!!
cashier guy smiles,
me: well then my name's BIOGI. B.I.O.G.I
gordy(cuts in): no! she(meaning giogi) is kristie!!!
and spoils the whole thing. urgh....wadev
and the whole time. giogi was pretending she didnt noe us.
ice latte plus sugar is horrible.
we went toysrus and took loads of pics.
yah. trained home together.
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