Wednesday, February 8, 2012

what if?

I think most of the time, whatever we feel or think in our minds, rarely comes out the same form from our mouths. There are so many feelings in the world but not enough words to pinpoint them. So sometimes we might say we're 'dismayed, weary and desolate.' But what you're actually feeling is nothing like how you said you are. It may be close, but it can never be correct. I don't know about you, but whenever there's a whole tsunami of thoughts gurgling in my mind, I can never fully convey them. I'll leave somethings out, or maybe I'll over exaggerate and it wouldn't be the same. Would it be safe to state we say about only 5% of our feelings/thoughts as hard as we try? The mind is a complex creature, the heart on the other hand can be manipulated by the mind. But if we could say 100% of what's on our mind, how different would this world be? I think this would make us vulnerable/exposed but then again this level of honesty could probably lead to thousands of roads that you would never walk down in reality.

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