Thursday, June 21, 2012

To: SLs (past present future!)

So apparently I received a 'Hearts Award' from SLB. Actually uhh I think everyone received an award la haha. Hm I wonder if I'll become emotional during Invest this year. I actually feel kinda bad for not helping out for this year's Invest. Well. Anyway, this 'Hearts Award' are for those graduating batch of SLs who constantly care about the Board, which is kinda true la haha. But things are changing in every way. Keep up or lose out. So we'll just have to accept it. Embrace, rather. The last batch of SLs to graduate. Hmm. But SLB has indeed taught me much. Perhaps I don't feel as attached to SLB as compared to Choir but w/o SLB I'll prolly be this clueless little thingy. (maybe I still am HAH) Hm let's see. My greatest contribution, INVEST! with Des of course! GOSH I ACTUALLY CRIED OVER INVEST AND DREAMT OF IT AND WORRIED AND PANICKED DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH EFFORT I PLACED IN IT???????? but w/o my wonderful SLs it wouldn't have went so well! I must admit, IT WAS REALLY AWESOME HAHA. SLB gave me so many experiences, orientation(s), cheering(s), grad night(!), sleeping under the stars at the parade square........... Idk mann, but if you grab a bunch of ppl who may or may not know one another well and throw them into the same situation, they instantly connect and become family. I always felt like this with every committee I was involved in. Of course sometimes we stop talking and its awkward again but whenever we meet up, and recount our experiences 'ITS ALL COMING BAAAAAAACK TO MEEEEEEE' and its like we're family again. Gosh I sound so cheesy but its true. Right now I have completely NO cell of an idea what's going on in SLB but SLs! (or maybe not since our batch is the last batch of SLs to graduate) DON'T YOU EVER GIVE UP! there comes a point when you start to loathe the tie, lament your responsibilities etc.. and you are SO CLOSE to quitting. DON'T. it isn't worthwhile. I almost quit SLB when I was in Sec 2. Completely lost my passion and didn't see a point in continuing. It will happen to almost everyone. But instead of running off into different directions and contemplate giving up, STICK TGT AND SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER. You won't regret, I promise. its just a phase! Guide your juniors (dont hate them) and talk to your seniors! Eat lunch with your batchmates! All these do matter. It's all about being bonded. Well, may the new EXCO soar and bring SLB and XMS further. Have faith in one another, don't be too serious and always persevere! All the best juniors! Enjoy your journey! <3
External Relations, Team D

Okaye idk what I just did. No SL is gonna read this anyway but whatever mann HAHA


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