like some drunken elvis singing i go singing out of tune
NGEI HO!!!! i have returned from my respite in hk aka land of police dramas with dramatic stand-offs, ridiculously delish (slightly) healthier food than taiwan, and an intense, diverse fabric of architecture fitted so nicely into the cityscape. every single DIRECTION i look, my eyes were just #blessed with the unusual dilapidated cramped up buildings sitting squat, next to a regal, fancy skyscraper. and the highways, literally high lmao it just winds up and up and you go higher and higher and you get another view of the city as a whole. it almost feels like a hazard. not the highway but the city. with wires strewn across, misshapen, misplaced, tossed around by the fickle finger of God , the haphazard fashion is what draws me most to this city, i love the architecture so much.
Day 1:
woke up at 4am to get our sleepy selves to the airport, for some reason i find that the best and my favourite part of going on trips is the actual going away- taking a cab to the airport, checking in, lounging around the departure hall, that is my favourite part. anyway we reached hk around 12, the hk airport is HUGE it is insane you have to take a monorail to get to your baggage LOL my second favourite part of travelling is taking that very first step out from the airport and that very first whiff of air you take in- you can tell so much about a place with just one breath.
stopped by ladies' market- was almost exactly like taiwan, pretty much the same actually, completely packed tho and i managed to get some shots of the architecture but no insta-opportunity ya also bought street food, by night it was quite cold, like a nice, appropriate temp went to victoria's peak at night and one thing i realised was that hongkong was very compact!!!! and it had so many mountains, driving up to victoria's peak was great bc i could pretty much see the entire city in the little well of hk and the entire city was lit up so that was a sight. the wind was INCREDIBLE YA felt so much like taiwan, even the air tasted similar. what a beautiful place.
Day 2:
was spent at Repulse Bay in the morning after a dim sum breakfast PRETTY MUCH THE BESTEST DIM SUM I EVER ATE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE i can still rmb the taste of the porridge its the kind with the really thick consistency that kind and V V flavourful i love it. wish i ate more now that i'm back. we passed by jackie chan's house while on the way to Repulse Bay LOLLL so many fancy buildings and apartments the income disparity is drastic mann u have cramped up little apartments condensed into each other and then you have these apartments up on the hill reflecting sunlight into light, light into sea, light into the sky, hmm. took a series of jumpshots at Repulse Bay half the time just flailing arms, and limbs and unfortunate facial expressions LOL not v glam ah took a bump boat afterwards and had roasted goose for lunch. tbh i think duck and goose tastes the same?? except maybe goose is more juicy ya. but if u think about it, a goose is pretty much to a duck what a turkey is to a chicken do i make sense??? u feelin' me?? i mean of course a turkey is WAY bigger than a goose but you dont eat swans do u thats just gross mann but damn roasted fowl is generally damn good
headed to ocean park in the afternoon and UH THE PLACE IS HUGE RIGHT but approximately 10 ppl in one metre square it was SO packed and not very cold either, took a cable car and watched some animal show, felt kinda bad for the dolphins and seals.... but they look happy so idk mann how to tell expressions from an animal? was v annoyed with some tourists WHO BLATANTLY PUSH AND SHOVE JUST TO GET TO THEIR DESTINATION FASTER??? and they have literally zero sense of social consciousness it really irks me i dont want to stereotype but 99% of them are like this i cant take it but ya believe there are some who are not like that but pls!!!!!!! if you are not in your own country DONT EMBARRASS URSELF AND UR COUNTRY BY BEHAVING LIKE THAT so my time there was marred by them Tim played some carnival games AND WON A DORAEMON FOR ME YA MY HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY YA and then he went on and won 3 other toys with varying sizes LOL it got dark really early like around 530pm or so and there was overall lesser ppl and my mood improved exponentially it got colder too and at one point dad tim and i huddled on a bench tgt while the same 4 bars of theme park music played on and on LOL
Day 3:
had breakfast at some 茶餐廳 and i really adore the breakfasts there, like most of the things thye serve are like preserved stuff like idk luncheon meats and instant noodles and of course you have your breakfast staples of scrambled eggs and toast and it looks v simple BUT IT IS DELISH I COULD EAT 茶餐廳 BREAKFASTS EVERY DAY + DIM SUM TOO
Went to Ngong Ping via cable car, we took a crystal cabin which meant that the entire cable car was made of glass/plastic?? even the bottom so we could see the sea below and the journey was realy long about 15-20 mins, so many mountains, and there were even steps winding around these mountains, how do ppl even scale them? the scenery was great, not very vivid LOL but serene and pleasant. Ngong Ping is pretty much a little commercialised area with shops built like little villages and further back is a giant Buddha and my ah gong wanted to climb up the mountain to pay his respects to it. we were in the mountains so it was pretty chilly AND THERE WERE ANGMOHS LIKE IN FREAKIING SHIRT AND SHORTS LIKE LEGIT BEACH WEAR??? WITH A CAP SOMEMORE??? like ya 15 degrees is not freezing but its still cold AND HERE THEY ARE SAUNTERING AROUND IN BEACH ATTIRE superior breeds mann Ngong Ping was v crowded too, i think hk is just crowded in general mann
spent more than half a day there and the rest of the day at citygate outlet, an outlet mall and bought ~*preppy white school girl shoes*~ from reebok LOL (princess shoes) thats the name lmao was v tired and took the subway home the subway is v similar to the ones in SG except the commuters here are v automatic and kind whenever they see elderly they will just give up their seats so nice of them, also there are no seats, its really just a bench.
dad and i made a mac's run and to do some errands and the burgers taste the same actually LOL like no diff leh is there even supposed to be a diff?? but ya nice to watch the scenery and neon lights from the window while drinking some fancy brownie hot choco drink with rudolph's face dusted on it.
Day 4:
DISNEYLAND was quite fun but yknow how in sec 2 i felt like USS was THE place to be bc i didnt feel like i was in this realm anymore?? well didnt feel any of that in disneyland maybe cuz i old alr LOL but disneyland is v aesthetically appealing and pleasant was v chrismassy also which i loved it was quite small could cover the entire place in a few hours. tim forced me to take space mountain AND HAD TO DO RESEARCH BEFORE TAKING IT by googling how scary is space mountain hk disneyland and apparently some said it was terrifying others said it was not AND THEN THE QUEUE WAS SO LONG that all my dread and anxiety kinda faded and i felt dead inside like do anyth to me mann i dont care anymore and... IT WAS SO FUN AHHAH i ended up laughing more than screaming lol tim was screaming more than me LOL loser bc it was so dark it felt as if the cabin i was in wasnt moving? like it was fixed to a single spot it didnt feel like a roller coaster cool stuff would take again mann.
the rest of disneyland was alright i guess, the usual stuff, went back to our hotel, Hollywood Hotel and LMAO EVERYTH IS DISNEY THEMED HAHAH even the toilets but the rooms were kinda cramped but i still liked them ah my gramps stayed in their room to rest while we went back for the fireworks and christmas parade and disneyland at night is WAY more beautiful and bc it is WAY colder also, it really did feel like christmas ESP WHEN IT STARTED FAKE SNOWING LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL my heart swelled with so much joy i could cry in that moment really felt v magical and idk like christmas in my heart bc of the music, the atmosphere and the surrounding and when the fireworks started idk mann i felt kinda sad and empty i also want someone to be emotional with lol BUT YA V NICE so beautiful want to experience a white christmas every year <3333 p="">
Day 5:
our free day!!!! checked out of Hollywood Hotel and went to Avenue of Stars ok la it was pretty much a pathway with occasional tiles with celebrity names LOL only had one goal which was to STUFF MY PALM INTO TONY LEUNG'S he legit v handsome if takeshi kaneshiro was hk-er too then ya he will be of higher priority but alas he is v exotic jap + taiwanese so too bad for me but im not complaining in have tony leung also <333 a="" after="" along="" also="" am="" and="" area="" asking="" at="" bc="" been="" but="" cbd="" chance="" confuses="" curve="" directions="" does="" edge="" for="" hahah="" hahaha="" handsome="" harping="" have="" her="" highlight="" him="" hk.="" hk="" how="" i="" idk="" if="" is="" it="" kept="" left="" like="" looked="" looking="" man="" mann="" me="" met="" missed="" mum="" nbsp="" nice="" of="" on="" p="" parallels="" photo="" police="" she="" so="" stars="" sure="" that="" the="" then="" to="" too="" trip="" v="" very="" view="" walk="" way="" we="" what="" with="" wouldve="">
went to harbourfront to shop INSANE IT WAS SO PACKED I WAS TERRIFIED BC SO MANY PPL?? christmas eve ya everyone last min shopping, even the walk to the mrt on the streets were insanely packed was pretty much the equivalent of orchard road. even the mrt was packed and feeling kinda grumpy and #angst bc no time to shop plus also didnt manage to get anyth until i had dinner at some Jap place but after that i realised hey whats the point of being so angry having my gramps on the trip made enjoying a bit harder bc everyth was slower paced and we couldnt do the things we wanted but hey!!!! how many chances do i have to go overseas with them? and i realised how selfish i've been bc i can return here on my own next time and follow up with my unfinished plans so i should quit being a lil bitch and enjoy full force with my gramps right??? its hard but sometimes sacrifices have to be made and in 2015 i want to be less selfish and more selfless and less self-absorbed and more kind and caring and loving. and im glad they enjoyed themselves i really am. christmas eve dinner was at ootaya with sashimi and then grocery shopping at night for snacks and drinks our hotel room was at the 42nd floor so the view was pretty wild and we HAD TO FIGHT LETHARGY TO HANG ON TILL MIDNIGHT LOL watched the mentalist and ended up kicking one another while mumbling 'merry xmas'
Day 6:
my christmas was kinda strange LOL bc there was just alot of going around and moving i felt v displaced consisted pretty much of shopping, eating and waiting, at hotel lobbies, in airports, in departure halls in airplanes, in a state of half-conciousness. was a strange christmas. well, i did want to celebrate christmas in winter didnt i? all i know is that even though i love sg so much to the point of embarrassment i cannot bear to spend most of my life here. i dont think i could, my heart aches whenever i hop on a cab from changi. ah but till then ya.
will do another post solely of pictures from hk MY WORDS MAY BE TOO DULL FOR YALL LMAO
Day 1:
woke up at 4am to get our sleepy selves to the airport, for some reason i find that the best and my favourite part of going on trips is the actual going away- taking a cab to the airport, checking in, lounging around the departure hall, that is my favourite part. anyway we reached hk around 12, the hk airport is HUGE it is insane you have to take a monorail to get to your baggage LOL my second favourite part of travelling is taking that very first step out from the airport and that very first whiff of air you take in- you can tell so much about a place with just one breath.
stopped by ladies' market- was almost exactly like taiwan, pretty much the same actually, completely packed tho and i managed to get some shots of the architecture but no insta-opportunity ya also bought street food, by night it was quite cold, like a nice, appropriate temp went to victoria's peak at night and one thing i realised was that hongkong was very compact!!!! and it had so many mountains, driving up to victoria's peak was great bc i could pretty much see the entire city in the little well of hk and the entire city was lit up so that was a sight. the wind was INCREDIBLE YA felt so much like taiwan, even the air tasted similar. what a beautiful place.
Day 2:
was spent at Repulse Bay in the morning after a dim sum breakfast PRETTY MUCH THE BESTEST DIM SUM I EVER ATE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE i can still rmb the taste of the porridge its the kind with the really thick consistency that kind and V V flavourful i love it. wish i ate more now that i'm back. we passed by jackie chan's house while on the way to Repulse Bay LOLLL so many fancy buildings and apartments the income disparity is drastic mann u have cramped up little apartments condensed into each other and then you have these apartments up on the hill reflecting sunlight into light, light into sea, light into the sky, hmm. took a series of jumpshots at Repulse Bay half the time just flailing arms, and limbs and unfortunate facial expressions LOL not v glam ah took a bump boat afterwards and had roasted goose for lunch. tbh i think duck and goose tastes the same?? except maybe goose is more juicy ya. but if u think about it, a goose is pretty much to a duck what a turkey is to a chicken do i make sense??? u feelin' me?? i mean of course a turkey is WAY bigger than a goose but you dont eat swans do u thats just gross mann but damn roasted fowl is generally damn good
headed to ocean park in the afternoon and UH THE PLACE IS HUGE RIGHT but approximately 10 ppl in one metre square it was SO packed and not very cold either, took a cable car and watched some animal show, felt kinda bad for the dolphins and seals.... but they look happy so idk mann how to tell expressions from an animal? was v annoyed with some tourists WHO BLATANTLY PUSH AND SHOVE JUST TO GET TO THEIR DESTINATION FASTER??? and they have literally zero sense of social consciousness it really irks me i dont want to stereotype but 99% of them are like this i cant take it but ya believe there are some who are not like that but pls!!!!!!! if you are not in your own country DONT EMBARRASS URSELF AND UR COUNTRY BY BEHAVING LIKE THAT so my time there was marred by them Tim played some carnival games AND WON A DORAEMON FOR ME YA MY HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY YA and then he went on and won 3 other toys with varying sizes LOL it got dark really early like around 530pm or so and there was overall lesser ppl and my mood improved exponentially it got colder too and at one point dad tim and i huddled on a bench tgt while the same 4 bars of theme park music played on and on LOL
Day 3:
had breakfast at some 茶餐廳 and i really adore the breakfasts there, like most of the things thye serve are like preserved stuff like idk luncheon meats and instant noodles and of course you have your breakfast staples of scrambled eggs and toast and it looks v simple BUT IT IS DELISH I COULD EAT 茶餐廳 BREAKFASTS EVERY DAY + DIM SUM TOO
Went to Ngong Ping via cable car, we took a crystal cabin which meant that the entire cable car was made of glass/plastic?? even the bottom so we could see the sea below and the journey was realy long about 15-20 mins, so many mountains, and there were even steps winding around these mountains, how do ppl even scale them? the scenery was great, not very vivid LOL but serene and pleasant. Ngong Ping is pretty much a little commercialised area with shops built like little villages and further back is a giant Buddha and my ah gong wanted to climb up the mountain to pay his respects to it. we were in the mountains so it was pretty chilly AND THERE WERE ANGMOHS LIKE IN FREAKIING SHIRT AND SHORTS LIKE LEGIT BEACH WEAR??? WITH A CAP SOMEMORE??? like ya 15 degrees is not freezing but its still cold AND HERE THEY ARE SAUNTERING AROUND IN BEACH ATTIRE superior breeds mann Ngong Ping was v crowded too, i think hk is just crowded in general mann
spent more than half a day there and the rest of the day at citygate outlet, an outlet mall and bought ~*preppy white school girl shoes*~ from reebok LOL (princess shoes) thats the name lmao was v tired and took the subway home the subway is v similar to the ones in SG except the commuters here are v automatic and kind whenever they see elderly they will just give up their seats so nice of them, also there are no seats, its really just a bench.
dad and i made a mac's run and to do some errands and the burgers taste the same actually LOL like no diff leh is there even supposed to be a diff?? but ya nice to watch the scenery and neon lights from the window while drinking some fancy brownie hot choco drink with rudolph's face dusted on it.
Day 4:
DISNEYLAND was quite fun but yknow how in sec 2 i felt like USS was THE place to be bc i didnt feel like i was in this realm anymore?? well didnt feel any of that in disneyland maybe cuz i old alr LOL but disneyland is v aesthetically appealing and pleasant was v chrismassy also which i loved it was quite small could cover the entire place in a few hours. tim forced me to take space mountain AND HAD TO DO RESEARCH BEFORE TAKING IT by googling how scary is space mountain hk disneyland and apparently some said it was terrifying others said it was not AND THEN THE QUEUE WAS SO LONG that all my dread and anxiety kinda faded and i felt dead inside like do anyth to me mann i dont care anymore and... IT WAS SO FUN AHHAH i ended up laughing more than screaming lol tim was screaming more than me LOL loser bc it was so dark it felt as if the cabin i was in wasnt moving? like it was fixed to a single spot it didnt feel like a roller coaster cool stuff would take again mann.
the rest of disneyland was alright i guess, the usual stuff, went back to our hotel, Hollywood Hotel and LMAO EVERYTH IS DISNEY THEMED HAHAH even the toilets but the rooms were kinda cramped but i still liked them ah my gramps stayed in their room to rest while we went back for the fireworks and christmas parade and disneyland at night is WAY more beautiful and bc it is WAY colder also, it really did feel like christmas ESP WHEN IT STARTED FAKE SNOWING LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL my heart swelled with so much joy i could cry in that moment really felt v magical and idk like christmas in my heart bc of the music, the atmosphere and the surrounding and when the fireworks started idk mann i felt kinda sad and empty i also want someone to be emotional with lol BUT YA V NICE so beautiful want to experience a white christmas every year <3333 p="">
Day 5:
our free day!!!! checked out of Hollywood Hotel and went to Avenue of Stars ok la it was pretty much a pathway with occasional tiles with celebrity names LOL only had one goal which was to STUFF MY PALM INTO TONY LEUNG'S he legit v handsome if takeshi kaneshiro was hk-er too then ya he will be of higher priority but alas he is v exotic jap + taiwanese so too bad for me but im not complaining in have tony leung also <333 a="" after="" along="" also="" am="" and="" area="" asking="" at="" bc="" been="" but="" cbd="" chance="" confuses="" curve="" directions="" does="" edge="" for="" hahah="" hahaha="" handsome="" harping="" have="" her="" highlight="" him="" hk.="" hk="" how="" i="" idk="" if="" is="" it="" kept="" left="" like="" looked="" looking="" man="" mann="" me="" met="" missed="" mum="" nbsp="" nice="" of="" on="" p="" parallels="" photo="" police="" she="" so="" stars="" sure="" that="" the="" then="" to="" too="" trip="" v="" very="" view="" walk="" way="" we="" what="" with="" wouldve="">
went to harbourfront to shop INSANE IT WAS SO PACKED I WAS TERRIFIED BC SO MANY PPL?? christmas eve ya everyone last min shopping, even the walk to the mrt on the streets were insanely packed was pretty much the equivalent of orchard road. even the mrt was packed and feeling kinda grumpy and #angst bc no time to shop plus also didnt manage to get anyth until i had dinner at some Jap place but after that i realised hey whats the point of being so angry having my gramps on the trip made enjoying a bit harder bc everyth was slower paced and we couldnt do the things we wanted but hey!!!! how many chances do i have to go overseas with them? and i realised how selfish i've been bc i can return here on my own next time and follow up with my unfinished plans so i should quit being a lil bitch and enjoy full force with my gramps right??? its hard but sometimes sacrifices have to be made and in 2015 i want to be less selfish and more selfless and less self-absorbed and more kind and caring and loving. and im glad they enjoyed themselves i really am. christmas eve dinner was at ootaya with sashimi and then grocery shopping at night for snacks and drinks our hotel room was at the 42nd floor so the view was pretty wild and we HAD TO FIGHT LETHARGY TO HANG ON TILL MIDNIGHT LOL watched the mentalist and ended up kicking one another while mumbling 'merry xmas'
Day 6:
my christmas was kinda strange LOL bc there was just alot of going around and moving i felt v displaced consisted pretty much of shopping, eating and waiting, at hotel lobbies, in airports, in departure halls in airplanes, in a state of half-conciousness. was a strange christmas. well, i did want to celebrate christmas in winter didnt i? all i know is that even though i love sg so much to the point of embarrassment i cannot bear to spend most of my life here. i dont think i could, my heart aches whenever i hop on a cab from changi. ah but till then ya.
will do another post solely of pictures from hk MY WORDS MAY BE TOO DULL FOR YALL LMAO