Over the past 6 years I've occasionally looked back on my education and evaluated how well I've 'flourished' or been 'ruthlessly trampled on' by the route I've taken, (note I say route, because even though the education system is 'flawed', I am very sure there are alot of ppl who have benefited from it and I do not want to label it (even though i might just have) but anyway). Today I read a blogpost about the journey of this girl who has been through the entire 'elite education' and she shared about how she was the minority that did not in fact benefit from it and after I read it I was completely taken aback because she expressed exactly what I've been trying to express for the past 6 years. I spent the whole night looking back on my education and I realise it took me 6 years to realise just how screwed up this entire thing is and like her, I shall start from the very beginning and I will try to compartmentalise my points and make this as coherent as possible.
1) My mum was from Rosyth so she sent me there and in P1 and P2 i rmb being exceptionally good at
studying, I didn't even study tbh but then again majority of kids will do well in these 2 years so I never really gave it much thought, after all why would an 8 year old care about academic excellence? In P3 we had 'so called' streaming where the school will start to arrange students according to their academic abilities, (smth pretty common considering that it would be beneficial to group likeminded students tgt to facilitate learning) and for some strange odd reason I ended up in the 'top' P3 class and that was the first time I realised that being smart (or essentially getting As) was actually smth that was revered. And I'd like to say that I was a smart child, but you need to see my then classmates. They weren't just smart, they were
brilliant. And I was thrown into the mix, we could get along, in fact I had many friends but when it came to understanding mathematical concepts or essay writing that was a great distinction between me and them. I used to sit at the front, next to this guy who was this math genius like he was very weird and strange but he was hella smart (I feel like I am overusing the word 'smart' but there are many synonyms for 'smart' and I do not want to misuse the other words so I shall stick to smart, bear with me) and I think he knew that we were aware of his uncanny ability when it came to figures and my form teacher always liked to cultivate his passion in numbers and sometimes she even asked him for his opinions and can you imagine a 25-ish year old asking a 9 year old for opinions on math?? Can you? I can't but yes it happened. One thing about my teacher was that she's a very no bullshit kinda person and she wasn't afraid to mince her words and I rmb one time she asked my classmate who was at the teacher's desk 'Do you think you are complacent?' and cuz I sat at the front I heard the entire conversation and I rmb thinking 'wtf is complacent?!?!?!?' and obviously my classmate who has a greater range of vocab understood what my teacher was talking about and lemme ask you (maybe its just me) but how many 9 year olds know the meaning of complacent?! How many??!?!?! Tell me pls. It was then I knew that I am
not even in the same league as my classmates, they were WAY more advanced than I was. I rmb how we would compare report card comments with each other and I rmb a bunch of my classmates had '___ has a flair for writing' and there I was completely stumped by the word 'flair' what does it mean?!?!?! Was it a good/bad thing?? I didn't know but I knew that I didn't have it on my report card, I might've been in the 'top' class but no way was I ever going to measure up with my classmates.
2) When P4 approached most of the smartasses in my previous class had fled to GEP classes while I was left in the express, and surprise surprise guess who found herself in the 'top' express class again?? You might think that there was less comparison and competition since most of my genius classmates were outta the picture but haha hells no this was just the beginning of a more mellowed version of Hell Pt. 1. I had the worst form teacher ever. I say worst not cuz she was bad at teaching, she was pretty alright, but worst because she was a bitch. (let's call her L.T) She was so biased and a complete suck up I hated her so much and she constantly favoured the 'smarter' students. Tbh, it is very easy to tell apart the geniuses form the painfully accidental 'lucky' kinda smart average kids. The geniuses do not have to try, the rest of them aka me were just so obviously less capable than our peers. I was going through some massive ugly phase in primary school ok like girl my hair was tragically unshapely god it was so bad HAHA and of course my teacher thought it would be a good idea to make fun of my appearance, wow like that isn't decimating or emotionally scarring but she went ahead anyway, bitch had fun doing it. And she told my parents that I was dumb HA FUCK YOU BITCH what kinda teacher does that?!?!?! Coincidentally she hated on George too so wow it marked the start of our beautiful friendship <3 12="" 60="" 60plus.="" 90="" a="" able="" about="" actually="" afraid="" after="" aiming="" all="" always="" am="" amused="" and="" annoying="" antics="" anyang="" anyway="" as="" average="" badly="" be="" before="" br="" but="" by="" ca="" can="" certain="" class="" classmates="" close="" collecting="" comes="" comforted.="" compare="" completely="" concerned="" cuz="" day="" death="" didn="" die.="" differently="" digits="" dismissed="" disturbed="" document="" dream="" elite="" ended="" especially="" even="" eventually="" everyone="" everytime="" exam="" factors.="" fail="" folks="" for="" form="" found="" friends="" from="" george="" gerald="" get="" god="" going="" gonna="" gordy="" got="" grades="" group="" guess="" h.t="" had="" hadn="" have="" heading="" heard="" her="" high="" him="" hopeless="" how="" i="" idea="" if="" ill="" in="" into="" ironically="" is="" isn="" it.="" it="" its="" jk="" joke="" just="" kids="" kinda="" knew="" know="" kristie="" l.t="" la="" last="" less="" like="" liked="" likes="" lol="" lowest="" lucky-kinda-smart-average-kids="" make="" marks="" math="" maths.="" maybe="" me="" mean="" melodramatic="" messed="" most="" much="" my="" nbsp="" ng="" nicks.="" nicks="" no="" now="" of="" old="" on="" once="" one="" or="" other="" our="" out="" overachieving="" own="" p4="" p6="" papers="" pass="" plus="" pretty="" psle="" raffles="" re="" realised="" really="" reason="" received="" regarding="" rest="" results="" right="" rmb="" sat="" school="" schools="" score="" sec="" seen="" she="" smartasses="" so="" sobbing="" some="" st="" still="" strange="" sure="" t="" talking="" talks="" teacher="" testimony="" tgt="" that="" the="" them.="" them="" then="" there="" they="" think="" this="" though="" thought="" through="" till="" to="" told="" too="" tsk="" turn="" unman="" up="" upper="" upset="" vaguely="" ve="" very="" wach="" wanted="" was="" we="" weird="" well="" went="" were="" what="" when="" while="" who="" with="" would="" wouldn="" wrote="" xinting="" xms="" year="" yet="" you="">
3) MOVING ON, I had fun during orientation in XMS but after the hype died down I felt nauseated by the fact that my best friend was so far from where I was at and my desire to be in St Nicks was insanely strong??? Like I literally cried every recess and I intended to transfer to St Nicks and then move on to Hwach and I am not even kidding when I say I cried every recess SH and PJ can testify to that I was borderline depressed, I put so much pressure on myself every single test I took I
had to excel and after 4 years of constant reminders that I was a second class student, by some twist of fate I actually topped my class. SIAO. Joke I tell you. Believe or not Kristie was finally 'making her parents proud' up till now I have no idea how I did it. I owned this notebook where I would write depressing entries about how miserable I was in sec 1 and how I wanted to leave so badly and honestly I don't know why I was so blue and tortured like I was inflicting all these self mutilation of my mental health. Maybe it was the fact that my past classmates were far more
'accomplished' then I was and I felt the need to measure up to them. Lol what a dumbass why you wanna out yourself through that huh past kristie? BUT ANYHOO my feelings of wanting to attend St Nicks sorta faded cuz I was having so much fun in school so I eventually let that 12 year old girl dream of that go. In sec 2 I was still doing relatively well but my r/s with my folks were really bad, coupled with emotional stress and trauma I was going through I pretty much felt like I was drowning the entire of sec 2. Somewhere in May my folks suggested take up this test VJ was offering, like if you passed the test you would be enrolled in the IP programme in VJ and since I was doing pretty well I thought why not? Plus Gordy was enrolling in the IP programme so I thought might as well. Eventually I didn't and my folks were really really mad at me for not taking the test like I actually filled out the application form and had all the necessary documents but in the end I didn't submit it and wah I tell you I felt like I let my folks down, my results weren't as good then and I didn't want to leave XMS since I started to feel so comfortable there but yeah that marked the start of parental rifts and it felt like they resented me for missing the chance. Come to think of it, I don't think I would've been accepted anyway.
4) Upper sec was a nightmare. Hell Pt 2. I made the mistake of choosing Pure Physics and Elective Geog like I didn't know what I was thinking. It all went downhill in sec 3. I was doing horridly I think I was like bottom 50 in the cohort. Not bottom 50% but bottom 50 as in PLACING pretty impressive considering just 2 years ago I was top 20 in cohort top 20 placing ah. JOKE. In sec 3 I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't really care anyway, I wanted to get into VJ but I think that dream slowly faded when I realised it was pretty much impossible. In sec 4 I knew I had to get my shit tgt if I didn't want to end up messing up the rest of my life. Bluntly said, I did not have any goals or ambitions, I wanted a few things: 1) to write 2) to travel 3) to be at sea and then halfway through the year I started to panic so I decided to try my hand at DSA-ing, siala my portfolio quite impressive got CCA achievements, Leadership roles all I was quite proud of it but ALAS I didn't get the call. Btw I sent in my application to ALOT of schools but in the end I only went for VJ's audition, I kinda just gave up on the other schools even though they had a slot for me. I decided that since I knew I wasn't going to end up in VJ I better set new targets and I decided that maybe I should try poly instead. I was quite interested in Mass Comm then but I didn't give it much thought. My prelim results couldn't even get me into the course. I was a wreck I tell you may not have been very evident but I knew I was going to die like there is only so much you can do within that time frame to pull up your grades and I knew I couldn't do much. I wanted to do well but when you have no goals or ambitions its very hard for you to push yourself towards it. I hated studying I hated it so much I felt so worthless esp since I had 4 math/science subjects WHICH I SUCKED AT and no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't. There were times when I felt myself improving but oftentimes I think I was just lucky la. I rmb coming home one day and crying in the toilet cuz I finally realised that this was it if I messed this up thats it. By some miracle (and prolly God's grace) I did pretty well like way better than my expected score (but I must say I worked super hard during the last 2 months before O's ok) and from my dad's urging I decided to enrol in SAJC (prior to this I had never heard of it) and Gerald ended up in SA too so I was quite happy :)) but not for long lol
5) DO KEEP IN MIND THAT I HAD NO GOALS/AMBITIONS SO I DIDNT CARE ABOUT JCs OR WHATEVER I ONLY HAD ONE GOAL WHICH WAS UNREALISTIC SO YA THAT ONE MY FAULT LA I felt like I was going to die, I literally spent every second contemplating the importance of education I felt so pointless I was crying every night cuz I felt like I was forcing myself into misery I missed XMS alot and I hated the fact that I couldve been doing smth else that did not involve myself shedding tears LOL #mess #whitetrash don't get me wrong, I liked SA I still feel attached towards it but call me a coward maybe I was afraid of facing A's idk anyway I went to talk to the SA principal and I ended up crying in her office LOL LOSER I was crying so much then :( in the end I decided to leave SA and I left the day before my bday HAHAHAHA and now here I am waiting for my Year 2 in NP to start and yes I am in Mass Comm. There were many times I wondered if it was worth it, transferring out, but after today I'm very sure this is where I was supposed to be. If you asked me if I think I could've done A's, honestly I can safely say that I would be able to go through it. I am very aware of my own capabilities and I am able to be very honest with myself when it comes to such stuff. If I know that I can', then I am expecting lesser of myself. The A level curriculum is not for everyone, I think I would have gotten a mix of Bs and Cs though at the cost of my mental health I mean school had just started for a month and I was crying almost every day that has to be a sign right?
So this is the story of my academic career, through Facebook stalking, I can safely say I am the only one in my P5/6 class to end up in poly and majority of my classmates are in Hwach/RJ/ etc (George is in Hwach) and I heard my fair share of stories of elitism nightmares anyway it feels like I've been going downhill eh? I like to draw a visual image, say two different lines angled away from one another, slightly, just very slightly, but as the line proceeds the gap between the two lines increase exponentially and the distance is ALOT and right now I'm thinking how in the world am I expected to bridge that gap in Uni?! I am hoping the bulk of them move on to Ivy League Unis or overseas prestigious schools PLS LEAVE SOME LOCAL SLOTS FOR PPL LIKE ME. Painfully average, poor kids who can't afford to go overseas. If I were rich I would just leave SG after O's and pursue Lit and then go to college get a degree and maybe even a Masters or Bachelor's. Alas, this is not the reality I live in.
My final point would then be about ppl like my bro and how they suffer from this system. My bro is currently in the NA stream in secondary school and he enrolled in Rosyth just like I did and being from the 'top' class, I knew how much the Principal favoured us I mean like if you were a Principal you would like your smart kids right?! But they weren't even discreet about showing their affection and if there was alr a very clear distinction between the kids in the 'top' class, can you imagine the COLOSSAL difference between the 'smart kids' and the 'below average kids'??? And even in secondary school you are constantly being reminded that you are of a different stream from the majority its just messed up when in the first place you don't even receive the same opportunities. If you're rich or talented, you can always go private or enrol yourself in specialised institutes, but some ppl do not have that privilege or like me are just painfully average we can't go anywhere other then the usual route which in the first place is designed for kids who are really really smart and and they benefit from this sort of system. You may dismiss me as being whiny or ungrateful but I'm just starting to realise how messed up my primary school environment was and I think I am addressing this issue a tad too late cuz even after 6 years, there is STILL the inclination to compare myself with my peers and perhaps it has alr been inculcated in me since young. I for one will never, never put my kid through such an environment. I am sure there are many others out there who suffered way worst than I did or ever will and this is a long post and I digress a fair bit BUT THIS IS A RANT ok I am done pls do ponder about this tho, I want to change this system but I have no idea how if you have any ideas or solutions do lemme know ok #KristieforPresident